After a 2021 absence due to Pandemic, Barcelonas' FIE World Cup is back again on 2022 at the "Trofeu Internacional Ciutat de Barcelona" Trophy for Women Epee.
We FencingFan NEPS are so much proud for being a collaborator partner in this main fencing FIE event- Many Thanks to the Organizers for allowing us once more to enjoy and be part of this great event in our beloved Barcelona.
Although, public is still not permited, FencingFan NEPS will be there for athletes and anyone interested in acquiring our NEPS products at a speciall rateoff only for this event.
Federació Catalana d'Esgrima (@fcsesgrima)
Real Federación Española de Esgrima (@rfeEsgrima)
Federation International d'Escrime (@fencing_fie)
45 Trofeu Internacional Ciutat de Barcelona 2022