To any UK fencers that might be interested,
As you probably know, FencingFan NEPS Epee screws and Basic NEPS driver products are currently being carried by LEON PAUL (LP) on it's web site thanks to an Exclusive Vendoring agreement on the UK Market.
The sudden and unnexpected bussiness stop caused by this Global Pandemic has affected previous LP plans to carry up New FencingFan products. This new status has made us adapt to this new situation and settled up an agreement with which FencingFan NEPS website will be a OFFERING this new set of Products in our Web Shop while there are not being carried in LP site:
Foil NEPS screws
Basic NEPS Driver Tool
Pro NEPS Driver Tool ( valid for Foil and Epee NEPS screws)
During this Summer we have published a special set of FencingFan NEPS product offers on our Webstore for our UK Foilists.